2025 Winter Indoor Soccer: Adults Co-ed
**Soccer Board Announcement**
Given the decrease in teams and adults per team we have decided to make some changes. Changes are also being made based on past season complaints and to provide everyone with a fun opportunity to play. This league is being provided to you as laid back Sunday league, and not as a extreme competitive cut throat league. Teams were picked to keep some of your requests in mind, but also to make teams as even as possible. Some rule changes are being made to help open up the floor more and get goalies more involved in the game. Please read all Division information and rules to the league.
- All players are required to wear shin guards in order to play in winter indoor soccer league games – NO EXCEPTIONS!
- All games take place in the Prairie River Middle School (PRMS) fieldhouse.
- Teams will play 30-minute games, playing 5v5 (i.e., 4v4 + GKs).
- Scoring this year must be done from your attacking half. Goals scored directly (without being touched) from your defending half will be disallowed and be a goal kick for defending team.
- Teams must field at least three players by kickoff or forfeit the game and incur a 5-0 loss. If both teams don't have at least four players present by kickoff, they will both incur a 5-0 loss.
- Teams earn 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
- Final standings will be determined by 1) points accrued, 2) goal differential, 3) most goals scored, 4) least goals conceded, 5) coin flip.
- Teams will be using sidelines and end lines for their court boundaries.
- If the ball is played over the sideline, the opposing team will put the ball back into play via a kick-in from the sideline where the ball exited the court of play; opposing players must be at least three steps away from the player putting the ball back into play.
- If the ball is played over the end line by the attacking team, the defending team takes a goal kick from the end line near their goal.
- If the ball is played over the end line by the defending team, the attacking team takes a corner kick from where the court end line and sideline meet.
- A team’s designated goalkeeper is the only player that can use their hands during the course of play, within the 3-point arc.
- Goalkeepers cannot pick the ball up if a player from their team plays the ball back to them; offense results in an indirect free kick (must touch another player before scoring) for the opposing team.
- Goalkeepers are highly discouraged from sliding to make a save, retrieve a ball, etc.
- There is no offside. However, teams are discouraged from “cherry picking” by having one of their players down by the opposing team’s goal at all times.
- A handball will result in a direct kick (can score off the kick) for the opposing team.
- On goal kicks, the opposing team must start outside the penalty area (3-point arc) until the ball has been put into play.
- Fouls inside the penalty area (3-point arc) will be awarded a direct free kick directly outside the 3-point arc; opposing players must stand at least five steps away from the ball in all directions.
- Fouls involving contact (pushing, shoving, charging, etc.) will result in a direct kick for the opposing team.
- Slide tackling will not be allowed in indoor soccer for your safety and the safety of others. Players that do will be given one warning before being asked to sit out for the remainder of the game. (Exception See Goal Keeper)