18 Jul

Jamboree Moving to August 17th

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the board of directors has made the difficult, but necessary decision to move the date of our annual jamboree from Saturday, July 27th to Saturday, August 17th.

We’re planning for division schedules to remain the same on the new date and will work in the coming days to get everything updated in the Crossbar platform.

We apologize for any inconvenience this date change may cause and thank you for your patience as we work with city officials to ensure we can host a successful event with ample parking.

20 Jun

Summer soccer schedules have been updated!

2024 summer soccer schedules were recently updated to accommodate some necessary changes. Please double check your child's schedule via Crossbar (online or in the app) prior to practices and games to ensure you have the right time and field location.

You can reference the 2024 Northwoods Edge Summer Soccer Field Diagram to help you find field locations at the MARC.

If you have questions or need additional information, please send a message to merrillsoccer@gmail.com.

9 Jun

Summer soccer teams and schedules set!

Teams and schedules have been set for the Northwoods Edge Summer Soccer season. Log in to your Crossbar account to see team assignments and schedules for your registrants, or click the links below to find division-specific information.

U4  |  U6  |  U8  |  U10-Boys  |  U10-Girls

U14-Boys  |  U14-Girls  |  U18-Boys  |  U18-Girls

More information about the upcoming season will be communicated in the coming days and weeks.

If you have questions or need additional information, please send a message to merrillsoccer@gmail.com.

2 Jun

Summer soccer registration is closed.

Registration for the 2024 summer soccer season is now closed.

If you have questions or need support related to the 2024 summer soccer season, please send a note to merrillsoccer@gmail.com.

17 Mar

Summer soccer registration is open!

Registration for the 2024 summer soccer season is now open and runs through Saturday, May 18, 2024.


Read more

26 Mar

Board Members and Volunteers Needed

Want to have a hand in organizing and planning the youth summer soccer league and other soccer-related opportunities in Merrill?

Consider joining our Board of Directors!

Our board members are made up of volunteers from all over the Merrill community. They generously give of their time with one goal in mind: creating a ​positive and respectful environment in which kids can grow and succeed!

We're also always in need of extra hands to put up nets, line fields, organize equipment, help in the concession stand, coach teams and more!

If we've peaked your interest, send a note to merrillsoccer@gmail.com or fill out a Merrill Soccer Association board application and we'll be in touch!

Click here to learn more about the Board of Directors and what we do to grow the beautiful game in our city.

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